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Čandrasekara Venkata Raman

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Čandrasekara Venkata Raman
Čandrasekara Venkata Raman
Lični podaci
Datum rođenja(1888-11-07)7. novembar 1888.
Mesto rođenjaTiručirapali, Indija
Datum smrti21. novembar 1970.(1970-11-21) (82 god.)
Mesto smrtiBangalor, Indija
ObrazovanjeUniverzitet u Madrasu
Naučni rad
InstitucijaIndijsko finansijsko odeljenje
Indijska asocijacija za negovanje nauke
Indijski naučni institut
UčeniciG. N. Ramačandran
Poznat poRamanov efekat
Nagrade Nobelova nagrada za fiziku
Bharat Ratna
Lenjinova nagrada za mir

Ser Čandrasekara Venkata Raman (tam. சந்திரசேகர வெங்கடராமன; Tiručirapali, 7. novembar 1888Bangalor, 21. novembar 1970) bio je indijski naučnik i fizičar.[1][2]

Bavio se izučavanjima zvuka i difrakcije svetlosti, sa veoma skromnim sredstvima na univerzitetu u Madrasu. Od 1917. do 1933. bio je profesor na univerzitetu u Kalkuti. Raman je prvi potvrdio da se svetlost rasejava na molekulima, menjajući frekvenciju, što je po njemu nazvano Ramanov efekat.[3][4] Ti nalazi, objašnjeni kvantnom teorijom, doveli su do razvoja nove metode za identifikaciju oblika molekula, što se po njemu naziva Ramanova spektroskopija. Godine 1930. postao je prvi Azijac kome je dodeljena Nobelova nagrada za fiziku.[5]

Biografija[uredi | uredi izvor]

Mladost[uredi | uredi izvor]

Raman je rođen u Tiručirapaliju (Tiruchirapalli), u indijskoj državi Tamil Nadu u porodici tamilskih bramina.[6][7]

Srednje godine[uredi | uredi izvor]

Diplomirao je fiziku 1904. i 1907. magistrirao na Prezidensi koledžu u Madrasu kao najbolji student. Dok je bio u državnoj službi radio je eksperimente u Indijskom udruženju za negovanje nauke (engl. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS)).

Godine 1917. Raman napušta državnu službu i postaje profesor fizike na Univerzitetu Kalkute. U isto vreme nastavlja rad u IACS-u. Za rad na rasejanju svetlosti i za otkriće Ramanovog efekta 1930. godine dobija Nobelovu nagradu za fiziku. Pored rasejanja svetlosti bavio se i akustikom naročito teorijom transverzalnih oscilacija žice na gudačkim instrumentima.

Godine 1934. postaje direktor Indijskog naučnog instituta (Indian Institute of Science) u Bangaloru.

Raman je ujak Subramanijana Čandrašekara takođe dobitnika Nobelove nagrade za fiziku.[8]

Indija slavi Nacionalni dan nauke 28. februara u znak sećanja na Ramanovo otkriće iz 1928. godine.

Poznije godine[uredi | uredi izvor]

U Indijskom institutu se penzionisao 1948. godine i godinu dana kasnije osnovao Ramanov Istraživački institut u Bangaloru gde je bio doživotni direktor do 1970.

Radovi[uredi | uredi izvor]

Citati[uredi | uredi izvor]

Kada je u okviru proslave prilikom dodele Nobelove nagrade bio pozvan da nazdravi, kao striktni apstinent Raman je odgovorio,

Gospodine, videli ste Ramanov efekat na alkohol; molim vas da ne pokušavate da vidite kakav efekat alkohol ima na Ramana.

Knjige[uredi | uredi izvor]

For compact work, see: Scientific Papers of CV Raman, Ed. S Ramaseshan, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore 1988.

  • Vol. 1 - Scattering of Light (Ed. S Ramaseshan)
  • Vol. 2 - Acoustic
  • Vol. 3 - Optica
  • Vol. 4 - Optics of Minerals and Diamond
  • Vol. 5 - Physics of Crystals
  • Vol. 6 - Floral Colours and Visual Perception

Bibliografija[uredi | uredi izvor]

Godine 1909,

  • "The Small Motion at the Nodes of a Vibrating String", Nature, 1909
  • "The Maintenance of Forced Oscillations of a New Type", Nature, 1909
  • "The Ectara", J. Indian Math. Club, 1909

Godine 1910,

  • "The Maintenance of Forced Oscillations", Nature, 1910
  • "Oscillations of the Stretched Strings", J. Indian Math. Club, 1910

Godine 1911,

  • "Photographs of Vibrational Curves", Philos. Mag., 1911
  • "Remarks on a Paper by J.S. Stokes on 'Some Curious Phenomena Observed in Connection with Melde's Experiment'", Physics Rev., 1911
  • "The Small Motion at the Nodes of a Vibrating String", Phys. Rev., 1911

Godine 1912,

  • "The Maintenance of Forced Oscillations of a New Type", Philos. Mag, 1912
  • "Some Remarkable Cases of Resonance", Phys. Rev. 1912
  • "Experimental Investigations on the Maintenance of Vibrations", Bull. Indian Assoc. Cultiv. Sci., 1912

Godine 1913,

  • "Some Acoustical Observations", Bull. Indian Assoc. Cultiv. Sci., 1913

Godine 1914,

  • "The Dynamical Theory of the Motion of Bowed Strings", Bull. Indian Assoc. Cultiv. Sci., 1914
  • "The Maintenance of Vibrations", Phys. Rev. 1914
  • "Dynamical Theory of the Motion of Bowed Strings", Bulletin, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1914
  • "On Motion in a Periodic Field of Force", Bull. Indian Assoc. Cultiv. Sci., 1914

Godine 1915,

  • "On the Maintenance of Combinational Vibrations by Two Simple Harmonic forces", Phys. Rev., 1915
  • "On Motion in a Periodic Field of Force", Philos. Mag, 1915

Godine 1916,

  • "On Discontinuous Wave-Motion - Part 1", Philos. Mag, 1916 (with S Appaswamair)
  • "On the 'Wolf-Note' of the Violin and Cello", Nature (London). 1916
  • "On the 'Wolf-Note' in the Bowed Stringed Instruments", Philos. Mag., 1916

Godine 1917,

  • "The Maintenance of Vibrations in a Periodic Field of Force", Philos. Mag, 1917 (with A. Dey)
  • "On Discontinuous Wave-Motion - Part 2", Philos. Mag, 1917 (with A Dey)
  • "On Discontinuous Wave-Motion - Part 3", Philos. Mag, 1917 (with A Dey)
  • "On the Alterations of Tone Produced by a Violin 'Mute'", Nature (London) 1917

Godine 1918,

  • "On the 'Wolf-Note' in the Bowed Stringed Instruments", Philos. Mag., 1918
  • "On the Wolf-Note in Pizzicato Playing", Nature (London), 1918
  • "On the Mechanical Theory of the Vibrations of Bowed Strings and of Musical Instruments of the Violin Family, with Experimental Verification of Results - Part 1", Bulletin, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1918
  • "The Theory of the Cyclical Vibrations of a Bowed String", Bulletin, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1918

Godine 1919,

  • "An Experimental Method for the Production of Vibrations", Phys. Rev., 1919
  • "A New Method for the Absolute Determination of Frequency", Proc. R. Soc. London, 1919
  • "On the Partial Tones of Bowed Stringed Instruments", Philos. Mag, 1919
  • "The Kinematics of Bowed Strings", J. Dept of Sci., Univ. Calcutta, 1919

Godine 1920,

  • "On the Sound of Splashes", Philos. Mag, 1920
  • "On a Mechanical Violin-Player for Acoustical Experiments, Philos. Mag., 1920
  • "Experiments with Mechanically-Played Violins", Proc. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1920
  • "On Kaufmann's Theory of the Impact of the Pianoforte Hammer", proc. S. Soc. London, 1920 (with B Banerji)
  • "Musical Drums with Harmonic Overtones", Nature (London), 1920 (with S. Kumar)

Godine 1921,

  • "Whispering Gallery Phenomena at St. Paul's Cathedral", Nature (London) 1921 (with G.A. Sutherland)
  • "The Nature of Vowel Sounds", Nature (London) 1921
  • "On the Whispering Gallery Phenomenon", Proc. R. Soc. London, 1922 (with G.A. Sutherland)
  • "On Some Indian Stringed Instruments", Proc. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1921

Godine 1922,

  • "On Whispering Galleries", Indian Assoc. Cultiv. Sci., 1922
  • "On the Molecular Scattering of Light in Water and the Colour of the Sea", Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1922
  • "The Acoustical Knowledge of the Ancient Hindus", Asutosh Mookerjee Silver Jubilee - Vol 2,

Godine 1926,

  • "The Subjective Analysis of Musical Tones", Nature (London), 1926

Godine 1927,

  • "Musical Instruments and Their Tones"

Godine 1928,

  • "A new type of Secondary Radiation", Nature, 1928
  • "A new radiation", Indian Journal of Physics, 1928

Godine 1935,

  • "The Indian Musical Drums", Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 1935
  • "The Diffraction of Light by High Frequency Sound Waves: Part I", Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 1935 (with N. S. Nagendra Nath)
  • "The Diffraction of Light by High Frequency Sound Waves: Part II", Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 1935 (with N. S. Nagendra Nath)
  • "Nature of Thermal Agitation in Liquids", Nature (London), 1935 (with B.V. Raghavendra Rao)

Godine 1936,

  • "The Diffraction of Light by High Frequency Sound Waves: Part III: Doppler Effect and Coherence Phenomena", Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 1936 (with N. S. Nagendra Nath)
  • "The Diffraction of Light by High Frequency Sound Waves: Part IV: Generalised Theory", Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 1936 (with N. S. Nagendra Nath)
  • "The Diffraction of Light by High Frequency Sound Waves: Part V: General Considerations - Oblique Incidence and Amplitude Changes", Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 1936 (with N. S. Nagendra Nath)
  • "Diffraction of Light by Ultrasonic Waves", Nature (London), 1936 (with N. S. Nagendra Nath)

Godine 1937,

  • "Acoustic Spectrum of Liquids", Nature (London), 1937 (with B.V. Raghavendra Rao)

Godine 1938,

  • "Light Scattering and Fluid Viscosity", Nature (London), 1938 (with B.V. Raghavendra Rao)

Godine 1948,

  • Aspects of Science, 1948

Godine 1951,

  • The New Physics: Talks on Aspects of Science, 1951

Godine 1959,

  • Lectures on Physical Optics, 1959

Vidi još[uredi | uredi izvor]

Reference[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ "Raman effect". Collins English Dictionary.
  2. ^ Bhagavantam, Suri (1971). „Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, 1888-1970”. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 17: 564—592. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1971.0022Slobodan pristup. 
  3. ^ „Sir Venkata Raman – Biographical”. Nobel Prize – Official website. Pristupljeno 6. 11. 2013. 
  4. ^ „The Nobel Prize in Physics 1930”. Nobel Foundation. Pristupljeno 9. 10. 2008. 
  5. ^ Singh, Rajinder; Riess, Falk (1998). „Sir C. V. Raman and the story of the Nobel prize”. Current Science. 75 (9): 965—971. JSTOR 24101681. 
  6. ^ The Nobel Prize in Physics 1930 Sir Venkata Raman, Official Nobel prize biography,
  7. ^ Prasar, Vigyan. „Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman A Legend of Modern Indian Science”. Government of India. Arhivirano iz originala 10. 11. 2013. g. Pristupljeno 7. 11. 2013. 
  8. ^ Singh, Rajinder (2008). „80 Years Ago - the Discovery of the Raman Effect at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India” (PDF). Indian Journal of Physics. 82: 987—1001. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 06. 06. 2020. g. Pristupljeno 06. 06. 2020. 

Literatura[uredi | uredi izvor]

Spoljašnje veze[uredi | uredi izvor]